Tips for the Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic Traveler

So you want to watch some college basketball in an island paradise this Christmas. What more could you ask for than to find out that your favorite hoops team will spend the holidays at the Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic in Honolulu? When Santa needs a respite from all that global travel, O’ahu is the first place he heads for, while Mickey Mouse has been known to spend some island time here, too.

The Hawaiian Airlines Diamond Head Classic, a 12-game tournament Dec. 22, 23 & 25 at the University of Hawaii’s Stan Sheriff Center, lights up the holiday season with threes to go with those twinkling palm trees swaying in the trade winds. With average temperatures here from the mid-70s to barely the mid-80s, the family spending time in Honolulu at this time of year is the best remedy for the winter blues. Bring good hiking shoes – rain forests, waterfalls, and craters are just a few of the reasons you should – and sunscreen. Don’t forget swimsuits and sandals. Snorkel gear? If you can, certainly bring it. Just tuck it under your team-spirit basketball jersey.